Life is Beautiful


Hello World,

I’m writing you now from my living room, where I would normally be writing you from. But, things are different now. Living in a pandemic, my living room is at once my prison and my sanctuary. For an introvert, this should be glorious, but it’s hard to enjoy over the constant, low-level, gut-wrenching anxiety. I have two small children at home. I am so blessed to have so many people I love in this world, but sometimes is seems that the more you have, the more you have to lose.

In times of uncertainty, Lady Justice tips the balance of our sanity. It volley’s back and forth, sure to settle on the wrong side if we don’t fight for balance. Too many are fighting for their lives and the lives of others. Many of us are also fighting to remain mentally and emotionally stable enough to get through it in a smart and healthy manner.

So, here’s how I’m trying to stay sane through it all - I’m focusing in on my surroundings to find the beauty. I’m consciously choosing to find the bright side. I’m actively searching for the shiny sparkles all around me that light me up. I’m digging deep to connect with the world outside of myself like never before. If I have anything worth sharing with this world, it’s the joy of art and all that can be done with it.

Let us help each other keep educated, healthy, positive, and loving vibes going ‘round the globe. For all of us, it’s either the least or the most that we can do. Remember, life is beautiful.